First and second conditional university of cagliari. Example if i were a millionaire, i would buy a castle. As you know, the first conditional is not the only conditional used in english. Conditionals zero, first, second, third difficulty level. Second conditional reading grammar readings this second conditional reading gives you a chance to practice your reading comprehension skills while you see examples of the second conditional. Second conditional 16 question strips adapted from the below pair work activity. Complete the sentences below by making second conditional statements. Second conditional for unreal or improbable situations third conditional for unreal impossible situations based in the past mixed conditional e. This exercise focuses on the difference between first conditional and second conditional. Welcome to the ultimate trivia quiz on first and second conditional sentences. Pdf created with pdffactory pro trial version title.
The second condtional expresses unreal situations in the present or future. I would go to rome next summer if you come with me. This worksheet contains three exercises in the first, pupils fill in the gaps with type 1 conditional sentences, in the second they fi. These questions can be used with students seated in pairs or in small groups, or with students standing. Live worksheets english english as a second language esl conditionals zero, first, and second conditionals zero, first, and second conditionals id. First and second conditional exercise 2 go british. Grammar quiz all things grammar grammar focus first conditional level intermediate answer key my notes 1. First and second conditionals exercise 1 put the verb. I will be annoyed if she doesnt return my phone call. Practise all conditional formszero 1st 2nd 3rdmixed. Conditional sentences second condition verb tenses in second conditional sentences complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb provided. As we have already explained, the first conditional describes things that.
Fill in the blanks with the correct word for these conditional sentences. English grammar exercise about the second conditional. Esl second conditional game reading, writing, listening and speaking activity intermediate b1 30 minutes. We use the first conditional to talk about possible situations, things that may easily happen. Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verbs given to make either the first or the second conditional. Second conditional if third conditional if if unless wish clauses in case fill in exercises. If necessary do the first one with them as an example. If i had a million pounds, i would buy a big yacht. Choose the correct form of the verbs to make first or second conditional sentences 1 if you free tonight, we might go out for a drink, or to the cinema.
The flatmates quiz the first conditional answers 1. We use the first conditional to talk about a particular situation, whereas we use the zero conditional to talk about what happens in general. Welcome to esl printables, the website where english language teachers exchange resources. Second conditional if she had her laptop with her, she would email.
First and second conditionalkey lingua house innovation in learning tm a a a a english grammar 2practice 1 2. Second conditional level intermediate answer key answers will vary. Review how to make the second conditional here download this quiz in pdf here. In this free second conditional activity, students complete conditional sentences by guessing information about a classmate. Decide whether to use a first or second conditional structure. Second conditional if jose didnt speak good french, he wouldnt move to paris. Zero, first and second conditionals english esl worksheets for. In the study of the english language and its grammar, we identify the second conditional as the scenario in which we use a conditional word like if followed by a past simple then would and the infinitive. First and second conditional exercises esl worksheet by.
If had a longer summer holiday, i could travel more. If you could have three wishes, what would you wish for. I n t e r m e d i a t e g r a m m a r e x e r c i s e. The second conditional is used to talk about unreal situations and their imaginary results. Ultimate trivia quiz on first and second conditional.
These two types of sentences can be a little confusing for some students, especially when they do not know what qualifies a sentence to be either of the first or the second type. The differences between the first, second and third conditional. Decide whether the following sentences should be in the first or second conditional and put the verb in brackets into the appropriate form. To make sure that you understand them, it is a good idea to establish the difference first second third conditional in english. So if i were you, i would continue reading and by the end youll know precisely when and how to use them. First and second conditionals grammar exercises, grammar practice. Conditional sentences second condition verb tenses in. Zero conditional first conditional second conditional third conditional mixed conditionals. Conditional exercise first second third conditionals. Second conditional exercise english grammar exercises. Usage conditional sentences type 2 refers to an action in the present that could happen if the.
What can you tell us about the second conditional and some further examples. In the first exercise pupils can match the sentences, in the second they must choose the correct form of the verb and in the third one they must fill in with the correct form of the verb. This second conditional exercise checks your ability to use the second conditional in regular sentences, negative sentences, and questions. The first conditional is a structure used for talking about possibilities in the present or in the future. Exercise 2 study each situation and complete the sentence below. First there is a pair exercise, then a group activity where students complete second conditional sentences, and finally a game that can be played as a class. Second conditional interactive and downloadable worksheet. Read the story and complete the test at the bottom of the page. Second conditional pdf exercises with answer keys to download for free.
Do you know how to use this important english conditional correctly. Future real below, future unreal, present unreal, final exercises. We could spend another day here if we had more time. Conditionals reading text online exercise here is the online version of the conditionals reading activity. Divide the students into pairs a and b and give each student a corresponding worksheet.
English esl conditionals worksheets most downloaded 741. Second conditional exercises conditional sentences. Third conditional if the weather hadnt been so cold, we would have gone to the beach. We use the second conditional to talk about unrealistic.
If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it. Complete the following sentences using appropriate second conditional forms of the verbs given in the brackets. Any english user may need a quick reference concerning conditionals in general. If i won a million dollars, i would call my mother. Conditional sentences rewrite the following sentences. The last page is a worksheet that combines first and second conditionals and would make an excellent homework assignment. If she werent always so late, she would be promoted. In conditional type 2, we usually use, in the if clause, were instead of was, even if the pronoun is i, he, she or it. A set of three exercises on the first conditional for elementary and preintermediate level. First conditional exercises pdf i will take my umbrella if it rains. Second conditional 19 4 5 write the sentences in the second conditional.
First conditional worksheet first conditional pdf exercises. Decide if they are impossiblehypothetical or possible and form a conditional sentence for each one. Divide the students into groups of four and give each student a set of second conditional. The second conditional is used to talk about unreal situations in the present things that are impossible, that wont happen, etc. This exercise focuses on the difference between first conditional and second conditional sentences. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. Everything you need to know about the first conditional in. Decide whether the following sentences should be in the first or second conditional and. Second conditional exercise 1 perfect english grammar. English grammar practice exercise, for preintermediate and intermediate level.
Second conditional exercises elementary and intermediate level esl. You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf. Conditional sentences rewrite the following sentences using the first and second conditional. Second conditional class discussion imagine directions. According to the weather forecast there is a chance of snow tomorrow. Complete the chart below by asking your classmates the following questions using the second condition. If she doesnt return my phone call, i will be annoyed what does this express. However, many users have an incorrect idea that, when we use past perfect in the if clause, it is always incorrect to. Test their knowledge in first conditional ifwhenunless recognize and apply the different structures in first conditional. Zero conditional first conditional second conditional third conditional mixed conditionals home. Here are 10 exercises to help you practice and improve your knowledge of the difference between first and second conditional sentences in english. Students then find out if their guesses were right or wrong.
Zero, first, and second conditionals interactive worksheet. This worksheet was created to practice zero, first and second conditional sentences. In this creative second conditional activity, students play a game where they write, ask and answer questions with the second conditional. If i had been more careful, i might not have broken the glass.
Conditionals interactive and downloadable worksheet. Sixteen cards for other conditional structures, see conditional dominoes ii advanced. Read the text below and decide whether they are true or false. If jan could run 100 metres in 10 seconds, he be an athlete. Gap fill exercise individual sentences dating related using just imagine supposing assuming etc. First conditional vs second conditional we use the first conditional and the second conditional to talk about present or future situations. Combine the sentences in each item into one sentence. If youve read this article, youll understand conditionals. Conditional sentences, type i and ii, multiple choice exercise. Worksheet 2 8 second conditional 1 complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. If jan could run 100 metres in 10 seconds, he be an. First and second conditionals by zmarques this worksheet contains three exercises in the first, pupils fill in the gaps with type 1 conditional sentences, in the second they fi. Where possible, try to use other modal verbs instead of will or would, for example can, could, might, may.
Fill each space with the correct form of the verbs to make either first or second conditionals. First conditional if john drinks too much coffee, hell get ill. This is an activity designed for intermediate students in order to practise first conditional sentences. Zero, first, second, and third conditionals test english. Three exercises to revise first and second type of conditional sentences. Lesson link unit 16 first conditional oxford living grammar explains how grammar works and when to use it. First conditional 1 match 16 with af to form complete sentences. First and second conditional lingua house innovation in learning tm a a a a english grammar 4 practice 3 look at the situations below. If she had repeatedly apologised for accusing you falsely, you forgive her. Dominoes matching activity for first, second and third conditionals. Choose the correct phrases and form meaningful conditional sentences type ii. Were here is a subjunctive form, although was is also accepted. Intermediate complete each of the following conditional sentences with the proper verb tense. Conditionals reading text online exercise photocopiables.
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